Don’t get caught without funds for unexpected costs. Pay any real estate agent commission fees that may appear during your loan process.
Life often sends unexpected expenses your way. We have your back.
A loan solution you can use for whatever you need, The Smart Loan can help you consolidate your debt, pay for real estate agent fees or other bigger, necessary purchases, tackle renovations and remodels and more.
Don’t get caught without funds for unexpected costs. Pay any real estate agent commission fees that may appear during your loan process.
Help alleviate your financial stress by combining multiple debts into one with one monthly payment and one interest rate, potentially saving you a significant amount of money.
Create the home you’ve always imagined by gaining the funds you would’ve otherwise had to spend time saving for sooner. Want a modern kitchen? Need to replace your windows? Your vision may be possible.
Buy a new, more reliable car, tackle large-scale remodels that may increase your home’s value and appeal and much more.
The moving process can be costly, especially if you’re hiring professional movers or are relocating to another state. Fund your moving expenses so you can comfortably focus on setting down your new roots.
Eligible borrowers typically need a minimum 680 credit score and debt-to-income ratio of 50%.
Veterans may be eligible with a credit score of 640 and active duty or retired military borrowers may be eligible with a credit score of 600.
The Smart Loan options have low interest rates, various fixed term choices, a single monthly payment, and no hidden fees or prepayment penalties.
The following documents are the minimum needed to apply for a loan.
Products and interest rates subject to change without notice. Loan products are subject to credit approval and include terms and conditions, fees and other costs. Terms and conditions may apply. Upon submission of a full application, a mortgage banker will review and provide you with the terms, conditions, disclosures, and additional details on the interest rates that apply to your individual situation.